Horizon Land Management is committed to preserving manufactured homes as the most affordable home ownership option, as well as ensuring the safety, social health, and welfare of all our communities.
This commitment extends not only to our residents, but to the local towns and cities in which Horizon communities reside.
Through our new, employee led initiative “Horizon Helps” program, we are making it our mission to help strengthen the fabric of our communities, and create long-term value for our residents, local community members, and investors.
“Horizon Helps” was launched in April 2019 and is a program that accepts tax-free donations from Horizon employees, investors, residents, third-party vendors, and other charity-minded individuals and organizations. We then partner with respected local organizations who use the donations for community betterment projects.
As the program matures, we will update this page with stories and pictures of how donations are being used at the community level. We highly encourage suggestions and feedback from residents concerning localized programs that could use our help.
We encourage all our residents, investors, partners, and local and national vendors to join Horizon in its mission and consider donating to “Horizon Helps.”